
Pandemic Body Changing Struggles

With the advent of COVID-19 and lockdowns being instituted around the world to help “flatten the curve” and reduce the spread, people everywhere have been experiencing changes in their bodies. Personally it hasn’t been for the better!

When I was a kid I was always skinny. One of my standout memories was one year at summer camp a counselor commented on how skinny I was and told me to put some meat on my bones. In high school my coaches were constantly on me to get heavier so I could compete with the bigger guys on the basketball court. Fast forward through my twenties (training consistently but basically eating whatever I wanted) and here I was at 30 years old at my best friend’s wedding, arguably the most muscular I’d ever been to that point.

Best friend’s wedding July 6, 2018. 198lbs.

Best friend’s wedding July 6, 2018. 198lbs.

In May 2019 I started taking my goal of adding more mass to my frame seriously. The original goal was to reach a solid 225 lbs which seemed so far away at the time. During my twenties I felt as though it was impossible for me to add mass to my frame and I kind of just fluctuated between 185 lbs and 195 lbs. Fast forward some more and when I hit 30 I was finally able to break the 200 lbs barrier. So in May 2019 I increased my caloric intake significatnly and flew from 200-205 lbs to ~245 lbs in about 4 months. I lost some definition, but I added tons of muscle mass.

March 11, 2020 before lockdown. ~245 lbs.

March 11, 2020 before lockdown. ~245 lbs.

That photo was just about 11 months ago. I know I’m not alone in feeling the lockdown blues. There was little to no gym access, and I found summoning the will to train at home next to impossible. I was eating tons of takeout and spending an inordinate amount of time in front of the TV. Given the circumstances my physique has suffered and I’m not a fan.

Blegh. Feb 5, 2021. ~235 lbs

Blegh. Feb 5, 2021. ~235 lbs

This brings us to today, suffering the effects of lockdown in combination with poor dietary and lifestyle choices. This is the most body fat I’ve ever walked around with in my life and I’m not a fan. This is kind of like a reverse transformation post.

I know I’m not alone in feeling these effects and feeling all the weight of emotion that comes along with this kind of change, but I’m going to quote Dr. Layne Norton for a second and just say that “Both of these physiques is a choice.” I can recognize how my choices over the last 11 months have brought me to this point. I’m a fitness professional, and I know what I’ve got to do to course correct. I know it’s going to take time and effort to fix the damage I’ve done, but I’m fortunate to have the knowledge and tools to bring myself back to a physique I can be proud of.

This post is pretty much me accepting responsibility for my choices and committing to moving forward in a better direciton. I think that’s the first part of the process, and if I can do it so can you guys.

I’m cheering for you